Mission Statement of the United Methodist Church
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
History of the United Methodist Church:
- The UMC Springs from a rich tradition of studying and spreading the gospel
- Began in 1729 in England, led by John and Charles Wesley.
- The United Methodist Church emerged from the merger
- in 1939 of The Methodist Episcopal, The Methodist Episcopal South and The Methodist Protestant churches
- in 1968 of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, creating the United Methodist Church of today
- The United Methodist Church now has over 10 million members worldwide.
If you’d like to know more about why we’re called United Methodists follow this link: Do you know why we are called United Methodists?
Our Mission…
- to create disciples for Jesus Christ
- to make the good news available to anyone
- to preach and teach
- grounded in Scripture,
- informed by Christian tradition,
- enlivened by personal experience and
- tested by reason.
- We believe in God – expressed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The United Methodist Church is part of the church universal, meaning that all, regardless of race, color, national origin, status or economic condition, are welcome
- to attend our churches,
- receive Holy Communion
- be baptized
- be admitted into membership.
If you’d like to know more about the Church’s mission; it’s rationale, The Process of Carrying out the Mission and our Worldwide Commitment, then follow this link: What we Believe – Our mission
Our Beliefs…
United Methodists believe that the heart of our Christian faith is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love. The emphasis is on Christian living; action that flows from our love of Christ. Our goal is to turn faith and love into action!
To learn more about what United Methodists Believe: follow the links below: